Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
The Top 10 Engagement Ring Designs of 2019
By Mikael Samiloff | 12th March 2019 Whether You’re Single, In The Market For An Engagement Ring, Or Already Have One Of Your Own, We Know How Hard It Is Feeding Your Curiosity And Self-Indulgence At Gazing In The Search For Beautiful Engagement Rings Online.Having That In Mind, We Have The Chance To Share The…
J.Lo’s Engagement ring how much is it worth
With the recent news of J.lo and A.rod officially announcing their engagement to the world and the picture of her huge Emerald Cut Diamond ring breaking the internet we decided to shed some light on the types of rings seen on the fingers of the rich and famous, starting with soon to be Mrs A.rod…
Common Diamond Buying Mistakes
Buying a diamond ring, particularly a diamond engagement ring, can be one of the larger purchases a person makes in their life. It’s important to do your research to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth. There are a lot of factors to consider when trying to get the best diamond for your money, and…
Popular Halo Engagement Rings
17th july 2019 Here Are The Most Popular Halo Engagement We Have Made Here In Our Hatton Garden Workshop. MOST POPULAR HALO ENGAGEMENT RINGS https://youtube.com/watch?v=EMrS3t3UR3A%3Fversion%3D3%26rel%3D1%26showsearch%3D0%26showinfo%3D1%26iv_load_policy%3D1%26fs%3D1%26hl%3Den-US%26autohide%3D2%26wmode%3Dtransparent%26enablejsapi%3D1%26origin%3Dhttps%3A%252F%252Fflawlessfinejewelry.com HALO ENGAGEMENT RINGS MADE IN HATTON GARDEN ADDING A HALO TO THE STUNNING DESIGN IS ALSO A POPULAR CHOICE Round Brilliant Is The Industries Favourite And Well Loved Diamond. Being…
5 Must Know Steps When Buying an Engagement Ring
STEP 1: CHOOSING THE DESIGN … The ring itself Shopping for your engagement ring you’ll discover countless ring designs. In most cases to start are the Pavé design, Halo design, Trilogy Design or the timeless Solitaire design. These are all traditional choices. (Good start to begin gaining inspiration from) From friends engagement rings to engagement…
Found a Vintage Engagement ring in Hatton Garden for my Grandmother
My grandmother was in her eighties and suffering from ailments that come with age. She was losing weight and sometimes wouldn’t recognise people. Even now she wouldn’t hesitate to give you a piece of her mind if she felt so. However, she was always the life of the party wherever she went. No one could…
Important Tips for Choosing the Right Diamond Jewellery for your Partner
Diamonds are precious stones and it takes ages for a diamond to get created. Diamonds come into being when there is pressure on coal and most of them come from mines where they have been sitting for centuries.Most are found in igneous rocks and sometimes are carried away due to erosion by water. Today diamonds…
Confess your Love with a Custom Diamond Pendant Designed Exclusively for Her
What better way to please the woman in your life than with a bespoke custom diamond pendant? As the old belief goes, diamonds are indeed a lady’s best friend. But little do men know, who usually write the cheque towards these exquisite accessories, is where to buy them. Hatton Garden, London, is known as the diamond…
Custom Designed Engagement Rings For Couples
The city of London is the newest hub for lovers from across the globe. Couples visit this iconic location to experience its majestic culture, gothic architecture and entertaining shopping arcades. These locations help build beautiful visual memories for people in love. This city has many great Instagram-able locations which makes it an ideal for proposal…
Top 10 Jewellery Designs Preferred by Celebrities in London
Hatton Garden is a world renowned diamond district. Elites of the globe travel to this destination to find a perfect piece of rock for themselves or their loved one. Hatton Garden was named after Queen Elizabeth I’s favourite noble, Sir Christopher Hatton. This place has over 300 businesses and 55 retail shops to help you…
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